... a Borgesian dream project, a modern illuminated manuscript, a vision of Blake´s graphic poetry, Swift´s satires, the tirade of a new romantic pamphleteer, the texts of a philosophy of Radical Ecology ...a collection of discarded textbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias reinscribed with the authors texts and interventions ...a series of objects and actions relating to the above...
The Globe and The Recycled Reliquary
The Globe (2009) uses discarded biblical magazines from the 1960´s and ´70´s as source material for a cosmogony of the body made using the technique of papier maché. In these magazines,there is hardly any female presence and the male body appears frequently in situations of extreme duress, either being tortured or performing feats of physical prowess.
True to the practises of the cult of the Book, the Recyclopedic Reliquary (2010) exhibits the spine of the Childrens Encyclopedic Dictionary (1965) as a sacred object similar to the bones of the saints more normally preserved in these often highly elaborated display cases.